What if you could drive consistent, organic traffic to your online business and grow an audience and email list of the right people?

No ad spend required.

Social media optional.


Did you know…

Average conversion rates for digital courses are around 1-2% of your total audience.

Meaning that if you combine your email list and social media following, you can expect around 1.5% of them to buy your course.

Knowing that, how much traffic do you need in order to be profitable?

Does this sound familiar?

And everyone seems to have the answer...

TikTok, Instagram Reels, paid ads, SEO and blogging...

No wonder you're overwhelmed!

But the problem with one-size-fits-all advice is that all of those ⇧ traffic sources are only effective if you’re:

1) Meeting your audience where they are 
2) Creating content they want

Chances are, you’re already doing something in terms of marketing, right?

Posting to Instagram, creating freebies, maybe guesting on other people’s podcasts.

But without a strategic approach, you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Sure, sometimes it sticks, but often it doesn’t, and you have no idea why.

Imagine this...

You're on the same platforms as your dream clients, creating the exact content they’re asking for.

They discover you, and you bring them into your world so that when you’re ready to sell something, you have an existing audience of people who already know, like, and trust you.

Without ad spend.

And only using social media if you want to.

It’s not a matter of spending more time on marketing;

it’s about being more strategic and intentional so that the time you’re spending is more effective.

The (not-so-secret) Secret...

Every traffic source falls into one of these three categories:


This is a permanent and searchable home for your original content (think blog, podcast, and YouTube). 


Get in front of new people, and establish your credibility in your niche (like through social media and podcast guesting).


Now it’s time to turbo-charge your marketing strategy with enhancers like paid ads, Pinterest, or affiliates.

And those three categories make up...

Once you know how to choose and use the right platforms you can develop your own intentional marketing strategy that’s right for you, your content, and your audience.

Because one-size-fits-all marketing advice doesn’t actually work.

COURSE NAME mock-up image of inside


Get the 3-step process to grow your audience, email list, authority in your niche, and business.

No one-size-fits-all approaches here. 

Intentional Marketing Mastery will guide you through the exact steps you need to develop a marketing and traffic strategy that works for you, your content, and your audience.  

Yours for only $97


This program follows the exact framework I use with my one-on-one clients (at a fraction of the price).

Here's a sneak peak at what we'll cover:


The Organic Traffic Pyramid

You’ll learn how the 3 parts of the Organic Traffic Pyramid work together like a well-oiled traffic machine to build you an engaged, loyal audience.

At the end of this module you’ll:

âś” Know how to generate traffic by creating the right content and getting it in front of the right people (not by paying for ads).

✔ Understand the difference between Evergreen Content, Visibility Platforms, and Enhancers.

âś” Know how to repurpose your original content so it gets the longest lifespan possible.


Choose Your Platforms

You’ll use data and audience insight to carefully select the 2-4 platforms that will make up your Intentional Marketing Strategy. 

At the end of this module you’ll:

✔ Choose an evergreen platform that’s right for you, your audience, and your content.  

✔ Know how to use Visibility Platforms to establish your expertise, so you become known as an authority in your niche.

✔ Understand your Enhancer options, whether you choose to incorporate them now or in the future.


Optimize Your Platforms

Spending time and energy creating content for your platforms does you no good if you haven’t optimized them for our two main goals: discoverability and lead capture. In module 3 I’ll show you exactly how to optimize.

At the end of this module you’ll:

✔ Develop consistent messaging across your entire web presence, to establish your credibility and authority.

✔ Have your platforms optimized so that you’re showing up in the search results of your dream clients and customers.

✔ Be bringing those people into your world in a way that feels easy, not pushy or awkward.


This program follows the exact framework I use with my one-on-one clients (at a fraction of the price).

Here's a sneak peak at what we'll cover:


The Organic Traffic Pyramid

You’ll learn how the 3 parts of the Organic Traffic Pyramid work together like a well-oiled traffic machine to build you an engaged, loyal audience.

At the end of this module you’ll:

âś” Know how to generate traffic by creating the right content and getting it in front of the right people (not by paying for ads).

✔ Understand the difference between Evergreen Content, Visibility Platforms, and Enhancers.

âś” Know how to repurpose your original content so it gets the longest lifespan possible.


Choose Your Platforms

You’ll use data and audience insight to carefully select the 2-4 platforms that will make up your Intentional Marketing Strategy. 

At the end of this module you’ll:

✔ Choose an evergreen platform that’s right for you, your audience, and your content.  

✔ Know how to use Visibility Platforms to establish your expertise, so you become known as an authority in your niche.

✔ Understand your Enhancer options, whether you choose to incorporate them now or in the future.


Optimize Your Platforms

Spending time and energy creating content for your platforms does you no good if you haven’t optimized them for our two main goals: discoverability and lead capture. In module 3 I’ll show you exactly how to optimize.

At the end of this module you’ll:

✔ Develop consistent messaging across your entire web presence, to establish your credibility and authority.

✔ Have your platforms optimized so that you’re showing up in the search results of your dream clients and customers.

✔ Be bringing those people into your world in a way that feels easy, not pushy or awkward.


Hi, I'm Susie.

I'm a business strategist and Kajabi Expert.  For the last six years I've been working with online business owners, helping them grow, scale, and launch their digital courses and memberships. 

But I was seeing the same problem come up again and again: TRAFFIC.  

A client might have the best course in the world, and I know I can build a killer sales funnel, but without getting the right quantity and quality of traffic to the funnel, it's just...crickets.  

So I created an easy-to-follow system that works for all businesses (because you customize it to suit your content and your audience!)  These are the exact same strategies I use with my one-on-one clients; yours for a fraction of the price.

Wondering if it'll work for you?

There's no risk.

You're backed by my 100% money-back guarantee.

If for whatever reason you’re not any closer to feeling like Intentional Marketing Mastery is answering all your questions or driving more traffic your way and you can prove that you've used my system after 30 days inside the program, I have a money-back guarantee so you can get a refund within those 30 days—without worry.

All you need to do? Simply email [email protected], and I'll get you sorted.

Here’s the thing…

There are already people out there teaching you how to Instagram, how to podcast, how to LinkedIn or YouTube or email marketing or paid ads.  But if you’re putting effort into a million different platforms without a cohesive strategy for how they all work together, you’re spinning your wheels.

Creating content for social media, content marketing platforms, and email is the time-consuming part.

The easy part is optimizing that content so that you’re discovered by the right people and can bring those people into your world.

You’re already putting the effort into content creation, right? Now let’s make sure that content is as impactful as possible.


It’s time to take the sorcery out of generating traffic.