Kajabi Funnel Intensive

Get beautifully-designed pages and effective funnels done in 1-2 days,
so you can grow your business and make sales,
without tech overwhelm or ineffective marketing strategies.



...and you want to share your expertise with more people.

You have an idea (maybe more than one!) for a digital course or coaching program, and you’re using Kajabi because you’ve heard it’s The Best all-in-one online business platform.

But figuring out how to get in front of the right people, bring them into your world, and actually make sales feels like witchcraft, and you haven’t learned the spell (yet!)

You want it done right,
and you want it done fast.

It's time to book a certified Kajabi Expert, so that...

Instead of...

You get...

Endless back and forth as your project drags on for weeks (or even months)...

Dedicated time to get all questions answered and revisions done.

Wondering when (or if) the project will get done…

Your entire project completed in one or two days.

Not knowing what’s getting done and what you’re actually paying for…

Total transparency as we collaborate to bring your project to life.

You want it done right,
and you want it done fast.

It's time to book a certified Kajabi Expert, so that...

Instead of...

❌ Endless back and forth as your project drags on for weeks (or even months)...

❌ Wondering when (or if) the project will get done…

❌Not knowing what’s getting done and what you’re actually paying for…

You get...

⭐ Dedicated time to get all questions answered and revisions done.

⭐ Your entire project is completed in one or two days.

⭐ Total transparency as we collaborate to bring your project to life.

"A beautiful, deliberately designed, highly functional site..."

"I was incredibly impressed with Susie's creativity, efficiency, and responsiveness. She was patient with me as I asked questions and asked for edits and modifications. Not once did I feel pressured to "move faster" or make decisions quickly. The end result is a beautiful, deliberately designed, highly functional site that meets my needs and those of my clients."


What's Possible in 1-2 Days?

A few examples of what we can take care of during your Intensive:


(1 days)

We'll create a list-building funnel to grow your email list, and we'll develop a customized strategy for generating traffic to send to your funnel.

👉 Create a list-building funnel: a high-converting optin page, a freebie delivery and nurture email sequence, and an optimized thank you page (there’s more to it than you’d think!)
👉 Choose and optimize your evergreen platform and visibility platforms for discoverability and lead capture
👉 Develop a customized plan for generating the right traffic, and bringing those people into your world
👉 Develop a strategic plan for getting the most reach out of every piece of original content you create, and the greatest chance of getting in front of your target audience
👉 Create a Content Distribution SOP that you can use to DIY or outsource


(1 day)

You'll deliver me 4 completed pieces of evergreen content (podcast episodes, blog posts, or YouTube videos) to teach your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

Then I will:

👉 Create eye-catching thumbnails for your content
👉 Add keyword-rich written descriptions, including calls-to-action
👉 Upload content to your evergreen platform and schedule it to be published
👉 Set up one email for each piece of content and schedule it to be sent to your list
👉 Repurpose recorded content for your blog (only in Kajabi)
👉 Create and schedule 3 social media posts for each content piece
👉 Update a content tracker spreadsheet with links to new content, and stats from previous content

Ideally you'll be publishing 4 new pieces of content every month, so this package could be repeated every month.


(2 days)

Build a full sales funnel for your product launch, including:

👉 Design a high-converting long-form sales page
👉 Creation of up to 3 offers
👉 Customizing your checkout pages
👉 Design a waitlist page, including form and tagging

👉 Create a Cart Open event
👉 Set up a countdown timer and automatic page redirect (from waitlist to sales)
👉 Post-purchase funnel: thank you pages and confirmation email sequence


(1 day)

👉 4 x Website pages (Home, About, Products/Services, Contact)
👉 Customize Login, Library, and 404 pages
👉 Legal Pages (with your copy)
👉 Blog set up (if wanted)
👉 Header and footer custom navigation menus
👉 List-building funnel: optin page, thank you page, and email delivery of freebie

👉 One template landing page
👉 Connecting all existing funnels
👉 Instagram Link List Page 
👉 Copy prompts for all pages that you'll update
👉 Domain connections (if needed)
👉 Mobile & Desktop Responsive Layout
👉 SEO & Photo Optimization for speed
👉 Graphic templates + image files for future updates

Not exactly sure what you need?

If you're not feeling ready for a full intensive, or are unclear on exactly what you want to do, you can book a stand alone Strategy Session.  

This is a 90-minute Zoom call where we review your goals and priorities, and I give you my strategy recommendations for clarity, conversions, and user-experience across your site and web presence.  I'll then deliver you an Action Plan that lines out exactly what needs to be done using a phased approach, and how many days I estimate your project will take (usually 1-4).

Then you can DIY the implementation, or hire me for a Kajabi Funnel Intensive. If you choose to hire me, the cost of the Strategy Session will be applied to the cost of your VIP day(s).

Here’s what Kevin had to say about the Strategy Session:

"Within the first few minutes of working with Susie I was impressed with the results…I saw my site and products come together in a way that I had struggled to do for years. She did it in one call!"


"Susie is lightening fast, highly creative, and impeccable with her word. I loved working with her and will continue to work with her. She is masterful at Kajabi. Her design is amazing and she keeps all projects on track! Can't speak highly enough about her!"


A quick reminder…

When you book a VIP day with me, you’re booking my time and expertise for that day and not a set of deliverables.

Because I have so much experience with Kajabi, I can deliver a final product to you in much less time than it would take you to tackle it on your own. 

Your Kajabi Intensive is customized to your specific needs, and value-packed with my nearly six years of experience working with dozens of clients on their Kajabi sites.

How much we can accomplish on the VIP day truly depends on how responsive you are and how thorough your prep work is.  I am extremely efficient, but I'm only half of the equation.

"I am a true novice to social media and marketing...and Susie couldn't have been more patient with me as she expertly guided me through the set-up process. I found Susie to be incredibly patient and excellent at breaking things down into easy-to-understand pieces. She always answered me whenever I had a question (and believe me, I had many). I really appreciated the instructional Loom videos she created to help me learn new skills and review them as many times as I needed."


How it works:


Choose a date for a 90-minute call.  This is when we'll review your goals and make a plan for your VIP Day.

After paying the 50% non-refundable deposit, you’ll receive a welcome email with the link to book your VIP Day.  You'll need to be virtually available throughout the day.  


After your Strategy Session, you’ll receive a customized Pre-Work Packet from me to complete before your VIP day.  You'll have 2-4 weeks to complete all your pre-work. 


The fun part!  We'll start with a Zoom call, then I’ll work on your project and update you on my progress via Slack.  You’ll be available to answer any questions and give your feedback.

Watch the magic happen as I work intensely on your business to develop and implement the strategy we agreed upon.


You’ll get custom tutorial videos from me on how to navigate what I set up in Kajabi. You’ll also get thirty days' of email support for any additional questions you have.

If you realize you have additional work you want completed, you can book an additional half or full day.

Book your date and let's start making your business work for you.


$950 USD


I can work with you to build a funnel, but you'll need traffic to send to that funnel.  

That's why, in addition to everything else in my Kajabi Funnel Intensive,  you'll also get access to my mini-course, Intentional Marketing Mastery.

So that after our project ends, you'll have on-demand lessons to help you:

⭐ Generate traffic by creating the right content and getting it in front of the right people (not by paying for ads).

⭐ Use visibility platforms to establish your expertise, so you become known as an authority in your niche.

⭐ Develop consistent messaging across your entire web presence, to establish your credibility and authority.

⭐ Optimize your platforms so that you’re showing up in the search results of your dream clients and customers.


Kajabi Funnel Intensive

Investment $950 USD

50% deposit reserves your date

Remaining balance due one day prior to VIP day

Your day includes:

  • Kajabi Strategy Session (90 minutes)
  • Pre-Work Packet
  • One full day dedicated to your project (6 hours)
  • 30 days of post-day email support for tech questions
  • Lifetime access to my Intentional Marketing Mastery minicourse 

Limited spots available—booking 2-4 weeks in advance


Not sure if this is right for you? Book a free consult call!


The worst, right??  

Let's put an end to that.  We'll work together to get you and your content in front of the right people, bring those people into your world, and start making money. 

Like, now.


"So organized and kept me on task."

"I thank my lucky stars I found Susie! I think a guardian angel was watching over me... I'm honestly not sure where I would be without her calm support...She was so organized, kept me on task and was also flexible when things just came up. I can not recommend her highly enough!"


Any questions?

How should I prepare for my VIP Day?

I'll send you a Pre-Work Packet that's been customized to you and your business, based on the goals and strategy that we map out in your Strategy Session.  I'll need that packet complete 3 days before the VIP Day, so we can use our time together as efficiently as possible during your VIP Day.

What happens if I need to reschedule my VIP Day?

As long as you give me at least 7 days' notice, you can reschedule your day once for any future available dates in the next 90 days from the original booking!

If you need to reschedule more than once, you'll forfeit the 50% deposit and will need to book a new project. 

Do I need to have Kajabi?

Yes.  It's okay if your account is brand-new (I'll help you get it set up), but you will need to have an account, and grant me admin access, before our VIP Day.  

What if my internet goes down on my VIP Day?

If something outside of our control happens that derails your VIP Day (like the internet going out or someone getting sick), we'll reschedule however many hours we lost for a different day.

What if the project doesn't get completed in a day?

Depending on the scope of work, you can book multiple days if needed or add on an additional half-day after your full day. I can give my best estimate on a discovery call or via email, but the amount of work we can get done in a day truly depends on how prepared you are ahead of time with the information I need, how available and responsive you are on the VIP day, how many revisions you would like made, and how clear you are about the exact needs of your project ahead of time.

Does the project include copywriting?

No (I'm not a copywriter).  But I will share with you copy prompts and page templates as part of the pre-work process, so you have plenty of guidance for what to write. Â