Kajabi Strategy Session

A half-day dedicated to reviewing, refining, and/or developing your traffic and marketing strategy.

If you're not crystal clear on what you should be doing next in your business, or you’re struggling to generate traffic and make sales, then you need a Strategy Session.


Kajabi Strategy Session

If you're not ready for a full VIP day quite yet, but want some help developing an overall marketing and business action plan, sign up for a 90-minute Strategy Session.

Start with the Kajabi Strategy Session!

During this half-day session, we will work together to review your business goals, evaluate all the pieces of your current marketing plan, and create a cohesive traffic and marketing strategy to achieve your goals.

After the session, walk away with:

👉 Clarity on who you serve and the problem you solve for them

👉 A bank of keywords to use for SEO and marketing material

👉 A plan for content marketing and ideas for topics that are aligned with your target audience

👉 A recording of the Zoom session

Your personalized recommendations will be delivered to you as a Google Doc.  Please allow two full business days for me to send the Messaging Workbook over to you.

Once you’ve gotten the Messaging Workbook you can DIY, work with another service provider, or book me for a VIP day to do the implementation for you. 

Please keep in mind...

The goal of a Strategy Session is a comprehensive marketing plan.  You may already have pieces of your marketing plan in place, in which case we can review, refine, and fill in any missing pieces in a half-day working together.

However, if you're unclear on who you serve and the problem you solve for them, or it takes a long time to make decisions, then an additional half-day may be required.  I like to start with a half-day to see how much we can get through, and leave the option open to book more time.  Sound good?


To book:

  1. Select a date and time below for your session.
  2. Complete the form & agree to the terms and conditions.
  3. Pay the invoice for the full amount due.

Right after you schedule your Strategy Session you'll get a confirmation email with the Zoom link.  If you don't get that email (check spam and promotions!) you can email me at [email protected] and I'll get you sorted.  

You'll also get a second email with a link to a questionnaire I need you to complete before our Strategy Session.  It's very important that I have the completed questionnaire, so keep an eye out for that email! 

Still have questions?