Kajabi Strategy Session Client Agreement

You ("Client") agree to retain Susie Hines of Elevating Expertise ("Service Provider") to provide some combination of the following services; online business strategy, marketing and traffic strategy, web presence optimization, copywriting feedback, and Kajabi-specific tech and design advice, packaged under a Kajabi Strategy Session, and agree to the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement.

During this intensive, Service Provider agrees to devote 4-5 hours to developing business and marketing strategy for the Client, as well as 15 days of email and messaging support after the Strategy Session.

Work will be performed at the offices of Service Provider, but occasionally may take place at other locations, as required. Work priority and scheduling will be at the discretion of Client. Work will normally occur between the hours of 10am - 5pm ET on weekdays.

During the 15 days of post-intensive support, the Client will be able to email or message Service Provider to clarify anything discussed during the Strategy Session, and will receive a reply via email, message or video tutorials. This support does not cover additional work that exceeds what was done during the Strategy Session.

The goal of a Strategy Session is a comprehensive marketing plan, and depending on Client’s readiness and ability to make decisions, that may be accomplished in one half-day. However, if the Client is unclear about their business goals, or it takes a long time to make decisions, then an additional half-day, for an additional charge, may be required to complete the marketing plan.

The total amount due for a full Kajabi Strategy Session is $475 USD.  Full payment is required to secure your date.

Payment to Service Provider of such fees shall constitute payment in full for the performance of the Services. The Client's deposit is valid for 30 days, and must be used within that time frame. In the event the Strategy Session fails to occur within 30 days, or the Client fails to request a new date at least 7 days prior to their booked appointment, the payment will be forfeited, and the Strategy Session day will be terminated.

Services in addition to the intensive will be made available by Service Provider at the current daily or half-date rate, and will be billed separately. Any expenses exclusive of normal overhead are not included in this agreement and will be billed separately. Examples of such expenses are: stock images, premium font licenses, and 3rd party application services.

The results of any and all work performed by Service Provider for Client, including original creative work, will remain the property of the Client. Client may use this material in any way deemed appropriate.

Client understands that any written statements, images, audio recordings or video recordings of Client while participating in the intensive and made on behalf of the Service Provider may be used in connection with publicizing and promoting the Service Provider. Client authorizes the Service Provider to use their name, brief biographical information, and the written or recorded statements.

Client understands that any work product created by the Service Provider may be used as an example of Service Provider’s work experience and style, such as in a Portfolio.

Any files related to the project will be shared with the Client through Google Drive, Loom, Dropbox, Dubsado, markup.io, Canva or email on the date of the Strategy Session. Client is responsible for saving any files by downloading to their own device or making their own copy in Google Drive, including any video tutorials created by Service Provider. Requests to the Service Provider for files to be re-sent will not be guaranteed.